Thursday 23 September 2010

Grilled cheese with basil and apple

It is possible I have a deep and long-held fondness for cheese merrily toasted onto bread. This evening I wondered what might happen if you added other things to it. (Apart from pickle or chutney, which is a standard option.) Until mere moments ago I was fortunate enough to have the tranches onctueuses form of Chavroux mild goat cheese in my fridge. "Apple!" I thought, espied basil, and pondered cranberries. The following evolved.

2 slices multigrain rye bread
Butter (by which I mean Pure Soya spread; choose your poison)
2 slices of cheese (sliced Chavroux, gouda, or emmental are good)
1/2 an apple, thinly sliced (Gala was used, Braeburn would be more fortuitously appley)
12 basil leaves, finely chopped
Redcurrant jelly (any sweet/sour jelly or conserve would work, I think)
1 - 2 whole almonds, finely slithered

Heat up the grill (broiler) to maximum. Toast one side of the rye bread until slightly crispy, then the other side until half done. (This prevents it scorching while it toasts further with added cheese etc.; a habit formed upon discovering the white wheat-free breads of the world can self-immolate in simple seconds.)

Butter the less toasted sides of the bread, then add dabs of redcurrant jelly. Scatter the basil across each slice, then lay on the cheese.

Toast cheese until melted, but not yet bubbling. Remove from grill. Arrange slices of apple, return dressed toast to under the heat, and grill to one's preference.

Serve up on a plate, scatter with any remaining shreds of basil and the almonds. Enjoy!
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