Wednesday 4 May 2011

Stroganoff of a sort

Despite a few technical hitches, cooking continued. Now on with the recording of such.

I've been trying out "vegetable boxes", whereby a box of delicious, locally farmed organic produce is dropped off on one's doorstep upon request. So far I'm rather liking it, and an abundance of an ingredient or three seems to make for the better sort of cooking inspiration. Chestnut mushrooms, silky-skinned and plump, reminded me of stroganoff. Fixings were duly acquired. As I'm not fond of stewed meat I came up with a somewhat speedier variation. It also uses a white wine and coconut milk trick for the sauce base, and I'd picked up some fresh thyme which seemed like a good thing to add in.

Grapeseed oil, for frying
1 small onion, thinly sliced
1 piece of good steak
6 - 7 chestnut mushrooms, quartered
2 tsp fresh thyme leaves
1 clove garlic, minced
1/8th cup white wine
1/8th cup coconut milk
Salt (Herbamare is good seasoning)
Black pepper

Heat up the oil in a saucepan, and add the onion. Cover and saute gently until softened.

Push onion to one side of the pan, up the heat a little and sear either side of steak. Remove meat to a separate bowl.

Add mushrooms, garlic and thyme to the onions and mix it all up. Cook for a minute or two on medium heat.

When mushrooms have softened a little, add in the splash of white wine. Let alcohol boil off, and then stir in coconut milk. Let this heat through to a simmer.

Meanwhile thinly slice the steak, and reserve any juices. Mix in to the pan, and turn off the heat. The meat should retain some pinkness - if too pink for your liking, cook it a little more in the sauce.

When ready, serve up over some sautéd potatoes and spinach. Marvel at the concoction that is now quite a long way from the stroganoff most would recognise.
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