Wednesday 3 November 2010

Pumpkin seeds

I bought a pumpkin. A little one, for a cake I forgot to photograph. It is the first pumpkin I have ever bought, and in messing around with the innards I found all these seeds. "Ah ha!" went the lightbulb, "Roast them!"

Take the seeds from one pumpkin. Rinse and clean them, removing as much of the slipperiness as you can. Pat dry. Spend 5 mins removing the seeds deftly stuck to the paper towel you tried to use to pat them dry. Resort to putting them in oven for a bit to dry off.

Arrange seeds in a baking tray so that they're mostly in a single layer. Mix with a little olive oil (and a tiny bit goes a long way - the above result features far too much), and more seasalt than you consider necessary.

Bake seeds until golden brown and crispy, some 15mins or so at 160C. Check regularly and adjust oven if they're scorching or nothing's happening.

Mix with some whole skin-on almonds and toasted sesame seeds for a mid-morning snack!
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