Wednesday 6 October 2010

Sweet chilli harusame noodles

This is probably not what you're meant to do with harusame noodles. Made from potato starch, they're a little jelly-like but nicely chewy; to my mind quite different from the tentacleness of the yam-origin shirataki noodles, their distant cousin. There should be some sort of gelatinous warning on those things.

1/2 packet harusame noodles
1" piece of ginger, thinly sliced
1/3 yellow pepper, sliced into short sticks
1 carrot, cut into short thin sticks
2 chestnut mushrooms, sliced
2 spring onions, finely sliced on diagonal
Soy sauce
Sesame seed oil
Sweet chilli sauce (clear, dipping sort)
Vegetable oil
1 egg
Beni shoga (salty pickled ginger, usually vivid red)

Heat a pan of water, add noodles and simmer until al dente. Drain, rinse in cool water and leave to stand.

Stir fry ginger for 30 seconds or so, then add mushrooms. Cook for a minute, then add peppers for another minute or so. Add carrot, stir fry until heated through, then add spring onions. Stir in soy sauce and sesame seed oil to taste, then sweet chilli sauce. Tip in noodles, and heat through.

To one side, fry an egg in a few drops of sesame seed oil to preferred method. (I managed a crispy-on-the-outside flipped egg which was still gooey in the middle, which happens to be a favourite.)

Serve up noodles and vegetables in a bowl, top with fried egg, and add some beni shoga. Add a little extra soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce if desired, plus a tiny pinch of seasalt to the egg.
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