Friday 22 October 2010

Dinner rolls

A little while back I espied a recipe on gluten-free girl's site for dinner rolls. Slightly mystified, I pored over the lengthy list of ingredients. "This is ridiculous," I thought, "There are at least 20 of them!"

Over the next month or two if I happened to find potato starch, or quinoa flakes, I surreptitiously picked it up. Eventually, I had all the ingredients and even found some appropriate pans in a sale. Project dinner rolls commenced!

I followed the recipe fairly closely, bar omitting milk powder (this may have been important, I forgot to switch the water for soy milk too), using more xanthum gum as guar gum is impossible to come by it seems, and... the rest I kept to fairly faithfully. Ah, I let the initial dough rise for too long, after forgetting about it - I don't think I'm a born baker. Then there was the shaping, the second rising, and the above appeared. These were then baked, and about 20mins into that I remembered the pan of water I'd left at the bottom of the oven.

They were cooked for a little longer than was stated as they remained seemingly quite doughy, partly due to a cranky oven too I suspect. They came out somewhat denser than I'd expected, and I couldn't quite decide if I liked them. Eventually upon the next day, I tried them toasted with a little soft goat cheese. Then, they were wondrous. Even if getting them out of the toaster at work the next day involved some variant of whack-a-mole (hit up the lever, one or two pieces will appear in a random position, and only a side swipe will stop them returning into the toaster.)

They were pretty good, and probably better if the recipe is stuck to precisely. I may try again, when the madness next descends and having a heap of small bread rolls seems like a good idea. They did accompany soup nicely - there are a few other things to try out first, though!
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