Thursday 21 October 2010

Sesame green tomatoes and egg

Courtesy of a night of frost, my rescue tomato plants came to a withered and somewhat prompt end. Their last burst of life did gift me with three green tomatoes, though. Following a bit of internet scouring, I was inspired to mostly eat vegetables and so this stir fry came about - to be accompanied by a slightly sweet ginger rice porridge.

1" piece of fresh ginger, thinly sliced to matchsticks
1" green chilli, thinly sliced
1 stick celery, thinly sliced
1 carrot, thinly sliced
3-4 leaves Chinese leaf, sliced
1 spring onion, finely sliced
3 green tomatoes, cut into 1/8ths then halved across the middle
1 egg
1/4 tsp green chilli, finely chopped
Sesame oil
Soy sauce
Oyster sauce
Shichimi togarashi (7 spice mix)

Heat some sunflower oil in a wok to a medium high heat. Add chilli, and fry until browned (note: do not breathe any vapours from this in unless you're fond of coughing). Then throw in the ginger, and stir for 30 seconds or so until this has turned faintly translucent.

Add carrot, stir fry for a minute or so, then add celery and repeat. While they're still reasonably al dente, add a few teaspoons of soy sauce and of oyster sauce, to taste.

Stir in Chinese leaf and spring onion, and stir fry for another minute or so. Remove pan to one side.

In a separate small frying pan, heat a little oil on medium heat. Add 1 tsp of sesame seed oil and then the finely chopped chilli, and fry for 30 seconds or so.

Add the green tomatoes and cook until just done - should be a few minutes. Sprinkle in a little soy sauce for seasoning, then break in the egg and leave for a few moments. Stir it up briefly as it cooks on the bottom of the pan, and wait again. Continue until egg is cooked to your liking (I tend to prefer pieces of white and yellow, with softness but no actual clear egg white remaining.)

Serve up the vegetables, and top with the sesame green tomatoes and egg. For some added spice, sprinkle on a little shichimi togarashi.
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