Thursday 7 October 2010

Sweet spiced sesame pork

There is a wonder to having an abundance of odds and ends in the fridge - leads to all sorts of creations. The creature of this night's toil is as follows:

1 dsp dark brown sugar
2 dsp dark soy sauce
2 dsp rice wine
1 tsp Chinese 5 spice
2 cloves garlic, sliced
2 dsp orange juice
1 dsp sesame seed oil

Vegetable oil
1 piece pork tenderloin, sliced into rounds and then thin strips
2" piece of ginger, cut into 1mm thin rounds and then julienned
1 tsp cornflour with just enough cold water to make a paste

1/2 tsp chilli oil
1/2 shallot, finely sliced
1" green chilli, sliced
1/2 cup finely shredded spring cabbage
1/3 green pepper, sliced
1/3 yellow pepper, sliced
1/2 stick celery, sliced thin on the diagonal
2 spring onions, sliced thin on the diagonal
Handful torn baby leaf spinach

Jasmine rice (1/2 cup per person)

Mix together the sugar, soy sauce, rice wine, 5 spice, half the garlic, orange juice and sesame seed oil. Add the thinly sliced pork, and leave to marinate.

Meanwhile prepare the remaining vegetables, make up the cornflour paste, and put the rice on.

Heat 2 dsp or so of oil in a wok on medium-high heat. Stir fry half the ginger for 30 seconds or so and then add the marinated meat, lifted out of the marinade by a slotted spoon. Cook pork until just done, then remove from pan and return to marinade dish.

Clean wok, return to heat and add another 2 dsp or so of oil. Add chilli oil, and remember to breathe air from elsewhere. Add remaining ginger, and green chilli. Stir fry for a minute or so, then add the shallot and cook for another minute until softened and coloured. Add the cabbage, cook until softened.

Add in the green then yellow pepper, stir fry for another minute, then add the celery and remaining garlic. 30 seconds or so later add the spring onions, heat through, then remove from heat and stir through the spinach. Set vegetables aside in a separate dish.

Return pork and all marinade to emptied wok, and heat until bubbling. Thicken sauce as necessary with cornflour and water mixture.

Dish up the jasmine rice alongside a heap of the vegetables, and top with a pile of the sticky spiced pork. Add some fresh coriander and serve with some pickled aubergine.
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